Linggo, Mayo 29, 2011


While a doctor is taking an IV line for a kid patient.

A:  "Doctor, can I have a sample taken in your line?"

Doctor:  No response.

A:  Standing a minute waiting for her reply.

Doctor:  "Here get here."

A:  Trying to get in the line. Pushing hard to get sample taken. A bit waisted. Almost giving up.

Nurse:  "You can sip it."

A:  "Sip it if you like."

Sabado, Mayo 28, 2011

Dear blog,

why not coconut is a day-to-day basis of  heart's desire and life's purpose; 
matuwa, mainis, maasar, matakot, mangilabot, malungkot, maiyak, matawa... 
just as we knew what life is. everything can happen, right? then let it all happen here! 

love & :)


Aking larawan
I was born there and raised anywhere

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